“The night is advanced, the day is at hand. Let us throw off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.”

— Romans 13:12

Maternity Patients in waiting room

Lord, we ask for your continued protection of our mission complex as you have over three generations.

In 1970, a 7.9 magnitude earthquake, in 45 devastating seconds, resulted in nearly 70,000 casualties.

Yet our mission survived to serve for 54 more years and still counting.

In the early 1990s, cholera spread like wildfire throughout all of Peru. More than 158,000 new cases in just three months.

But it was Padre Julio’s pump and well, and the resulting free, clean drinking water, 24 hours a day, that was often the difference between life and death for our Chimbote neighbors.


Dear Mary, Blessed Mother of Jesus and namesake of our maternity hospital – La Maternidad de Maria – please continue to grace our mission and this ministry to the poorest of the poor with your favor.

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