To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady in Fatima, Bishop David Zubik will consecrate the Diocese of Pittsburgh to the protection of the Blessed Mother on Friday, October 13, 2017. Families and faithful throughout the diocese are encouraged to participate in this historic event at St. Paul’s Seminary in Crafton.
The evening will begin at 5 pm with a picnic-style dinner in the Great Hall of O’Connor Hall. At 6:30 PM, those in attendance will assemble for the prayer service and Eucharistic Rosary Procession. This candlelight procession through the beautiful grounds of the seminary (weather permitting) will conclude with Bishop Zubik consecrating the Diocese of Pittsburgh to the Mother of Our Lord. The evening is expected to conclude at 8 pm. You are welcome to participate in any or all of the activities as your schedule permits.
To emphasize the family nature of the event, the diocesan Office for Family Ministry and Faith Formation has invited groups to participate in the procession including students who are preparing for their First Holy Communion or Confirmation, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, and members of Young Adult Ministries. The Knight of Columbus will lead the procession.
While the main purpose and focus of the event is the dedication of the Diocese of Pittsburgh to Our Lady during the centennial year of Fatima, proceeds from the event and a free-will offering will benefit Maternidad de Maria, our diocesan maternity hospital in Chimbote, Peru. This seems quite fitting since the hospital serves the poor and is named in honor of the Blessed Mother.
Tickets for dinner must be pre-purchased online using THIS LINK. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children, while children aged 5 and under are free. No registration is needed to attend the procession and consecration only.
St. Paul’s Seminary is located at 2900 Noblestown Road, Crafton, PA 15205.

One of 97,000+ babies born at the Maternidad de Maria in the past 50 years.

The Maternidad de Maria offers even the poorest mothers in Chimbote a safe place to delivery their babies.