59th Annual Peru Mission Dinner

Our annual dinner was held on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at the Sheraton Hotel at Station Square. We are still accepting donations.

Our 2024 Chimbote Mission Dinner honoring life – the life-giving, life-sustaining and life-affirming ministry of our Catholic medical missionaries in Chimbote, Peru

“God, take our hands to serve with You, our feet to walk with You. Open our eyes to see Your good works, our lips to proclaim them with our lives and our hearts to be Your will. I thank God for your life and your friendship.”

That is a quote from one of our founders, Sr. Margaret Mary Birchmeier. It encapsulates our gratitude for the hundreds who gathered for our 59th Annual Peru Mission Dinner in Pittsburgh, along with many who could not make the event and contributed, to support the ongoing work for the people of Chimbote.

Thank you, Jesus, that through the work of so many, You have brought opportunity to our doorstep to be Your hands and feet for people in need. Thank you, Pittsburghers, for continuing to respond so generously.

Our dear friend of Chimbote, Mike Clark, distinguished news anchor for WTAE-TV, once again volunteered to be our dinner’s Master of Ceremonies for 2024. The evening’s presentations included updates from Very Reverend Thomas Sparacino, our Diocesan Rector and Director of Pre-Ordination Formation, who led six of his seminarians on a mission trip to Chimbote this summer, along with special remarks from Bishop David Zubik.

This annual night of celebration strengthens the Center of Social Works where there has now been more than 100,000 babies born at the maternity hospital, and where the health clinic is beginning to ramp up to its pre-pandemic volume of 1,000 patients per day.


Thank you for your prayerful support of the Church’s mission work! If you were unable to attend our celebration, but would like to donate to our work in Chimbote, you can do so here.

2024 Chimbote Mission Video

“Walking in the Footsteps of Saints”

Thanks to mission partners like you, in 2022, we were able to invest more than $200,000 in an Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade Project that included a generator and other critical upgrades. This year, again, due to your ongoing support, the board of the Chimbote Foundation approved an IT Renovation Project at an estimated cost of $500,000. As an example of why this too is critical, many of their current workstations are running unsupported Microsoft operating systems from the 1990s.

Thank You to Our 2024 Sponsors


Principle Dinner Sponsor

Most Reverend David A. Zubik and the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh

Mission Sponsor ($5000)


Friends of Chimbote ($2500+)

Anonymous in Memory of Mary M. and Gerard H. Hungerman

Beth Hutter and Kenneth Roos

Mrs. Mary Carleen Ferry in Memory of Mr. James J. Ferry, Sr. and Mr. James R. Ferry 

Chimbote Benefactors ($1000-2499)

Gregory Roos: In Memory of Kenneth and Msgr. Jules Roos

St. Isidore the Farmer Parish

Archdiocese of Washington / Cardinal Donald Wuerl

Ms. Diana Reed

Msgr. John Kozar

Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Barbara Hogan

Ms. Helen O’Hallaron

Mr. John and Mrs. Donna Rosser

Christ the Divine Shepherd Parish

Saints Martha and Mary Parish

Patrons of Service ($500-999)

Carole and Mark Shepard

Ms. Lorraine Hungerman

Dr. Patrick and Mrs. Rita Joyce

Salvatore and Diana Tresco

Mr. Edward and Mrs. Megan Grefenstette

Mr. Tom and Mrs. Rita Gurganus

Mr. Joel and Mrs. Anne Madison

Partners of Peru ($250-499)

Anonymous In Honor of The Employees at La Maternidad

Mrs. Sandra Foody

McAuley Ministries

Fr. Al Zapf

Fr. James Torquato


Mr. John Cvetic

Mr. Charles and Mrs. Joan Kilgore

Ms. Megan Roos Patterson

Mr. Pedro and Mrs. Marta Olivera

Mrs. Irene Lanza

Felician Sisters of North America

Good Samaritans ($150-249)

William M. Fronczek, M.D.

Mr. Steven and Mrs. Jeaneen Osborne


Mr. Regis F. Hoolahan

Faith Sisk in Memory of Matthew Clark

Fr. Robert J. Vular


Friends of the Poor ($100-149)

Deacon Rick Cessar


Theodore and Josephine Turchick

Mr. Paul and Mrs. Ann Francis

Fr. Richard Wesoloski

Fr. Robert J. Miller

Mr. John and Mrs. Denise McCarthy

Fr. Joseph Scheib

Alberto Davila

Deacon John Ragan


Mr. Gary and Mrs. Sharon Shannon

Mr. Richard and Mrs. Dolores Marusic



Mr. David and Mrs. Noreen Saville

Mr. Michael Boyle

Fr. Miroslaw Wojcicki

With Heartfelt Gratitude for the following table sponsors

Deacon Tim and Mrs. Lisa Noca

Saint Philip Parish

Saint Philip Parish


Ms. Milagros and Mr. Enrique Mu

Regina Coeli Parish

Catholic Cemeteries Association

Ferry Electric Company

St. Michael the Archangel

Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Carol Riley

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish

Mr. Richard and Mrs. Anna Marie Rettger

Triumph of the Holy Cross Parish

Mrs. Gretchen Roos and Mr. Scott Lane

Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Cheryl Shanahan

Saint Aidan Parish

Deacon Joe and Anna Marie Dougherty

Saint Oscar Romero Parish (1)

Saint Oscar Romero Parish (2)

Holy Family Parish (1)

Holy Family Parish (2)

Deacon Frank and Mrs. Norma Szemanski (1)

Deacon Frank and Mrs. Norma Szemanski (2)

Seminarian Table Sponsors

Mr. Keith and Mrs. Rosemary Boyce

Saint Philip Parish

Catholic Cemeteries Association

McGuire Memorial


Saints Martha and Mary Parish

Student Table Sponsors

Mr. Keith and Mrs. Rosemary Boyce

Mrs. Jean Comber In Memory of Mr. Gerald P. Comber

Mrs. Jean Comber In Memory of Mrs. Edna and Mr. James J. Ferry

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McCarthy

Follow the Chimbote Foundation

The Poorest of the Poor in Chimbote Thank You for Your Prayers and Support!


A Beautiful, Uplifting Story about Catholic Faith in Action!

Attorney Gretchen Roos and Deacon Tim Noca of the Chimbote Foundation board of directors discuss a half century of help and hope offered for the poorest of the poor in Chimbote, Peru. They were interviewed recently by Father Tom Burke for the diocese’s “Catholic Education Plus” radio program on KDKA-AM.

Diocesan Mission in Chimbote, Peru

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